Not only does a website work as the storefront for your business, but it also a representation of what you stand for as a brand. However, for B2B businesses, a website has a much bigger impact. It plays as an important marketing tool that can bring in more clients by generating leads. Here are the 5 best B2B Website designs that convert visitors to potential customers.
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In this ever-crowded online space, it is vital to seek ways to get noticed by your target audience. How? By standing out! The main elements that make a website stand out from the others are when it:
However, not all of these factors are considered equally important for a website’s success. The relevance of each is sometimes determined by what kind of business it is. For instance, the website layout can be more important than content if the B2B is an online payment platform. Similarly, design and user experience can be a much important element for a B2B media management platform.
The key to attracting good organic traffic that converts into quality leads is by following the best B2B website practices mentioned below:
Reputation Squad is an online business monitoring solution for small to large-scale businesses. As soon as you enter their website, you are intrigued by fun mouse-over animations that are interactive and help reduce the effort you have to make to look for details, access crucial information, or see different views on the website. Their landing page offers multiple sections that you can scroll down to see. You will also see a clear “Get a quote” CTA on every page you land on.
Mouse-over animation is a creative and unique effect to play around with. Additionally, it will help you in saving more space on your website to show important information in the most clever way possible.
Australia-based B2B company Powerwest builds and designs power generation solutions for mining and resource companies. The moment you land on their website, you already know what the company can do for you. They use clear and concise language to communicate their message to the website visitors. Every page on the website showcases high-quality images of job sites accompanied by strong CTA buttons. Their navigation bar is easy to follow and the landing pages also have minimum texts.
Pulse220 is an agency that executes meetings, events, and live marketing to help businesses communicate and engage. One basic element that makes their website stand out is the use of card layouts. Card design is a great way to present content in a more organized and user-friendly way. On their website, Pulse 220 has used card design in more than one way: showcasing their team and case studies.
On a design end, organizing a large amount of content – whether images or texts – on plane cards is a go-to structure for many websites. The emphasis on organization, clarity, and the ability to be responsive on every device makes card layout a practical method for web design.
Sysdoc helps companies attain successful and sustainable digital transformation and change. Their website is clean and clear but also gives a very modern feel with simple and short animations. The strong visual elements on their website enhance and add to brand credibility. With on-mark copy that explains what the company does communicates quite clearly. The navigation panel accompanies as you scroll through the page, and their CTAs are very well-designed as well.
Drift is a revenue acceleration platform that helps businesses connect with buyers via chat, video, voice, or email. Their website isn’t like any other regular B2B business using stock photography. Instead, they dare to feature their employees on their website and provide visitors with insights into who works behind the company. Human faces elicit an emotional response which further improves engagement. Every page on their website has images of smiling faces of individuals and even a group of people knitted closely with the website design. Keeping the design minimalistic, they have perfectly balanced out a clean layout with a strong visual experience.
When listing the best B2B website designs, we can go on talking about the various great designs present here on the internet. These 5 examples of B2B website designs stuck with us because of their outstanding features and elements that make these stand out from the rest. There are many elements behind making a website that converts. Some of them including:
Are you ready to create yours today? Spark Eighteen is a web designing company based in Delhi, India that specializes in designing B2B websites for years. Contact us today and let’s redesign your website together!